Dave C
Dave C is a Full Stack Python
Developer at the Ethereum
Twitter @DaveC.eth
Created by:
Dave C
Dave C is a Full Stack Python
Developer at the Ethereum
Twitter @DaveC.eth
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vehicula laoreet leo, vehicula rhoncus lectus consectetur vel. Morbi sit amet fringilla erat, nec ultrices nulla. Pellentesque habim volutpat, malesuada euismod turpis facilisis. Nunc non imperdiet eros. Pellentesque lobortis justo a ligula efficitur congue.
Understand the types of numbers you can work with, how to store x, and how to convert Y to Z.
Understand the types of numbers you can work with, how to store x, and how to convert Y to Z.